Painting from the past to the present; It has been applied to the surfaces of all objects from inside the caves, from the human body to their clothes, from the objects of use to ornaments, from the doors to the furniture. Porcelain, one of these materials, can be fired in different ways and painted with different techniques. Considering the history as a canvas, the porcelain surface, which forms the basis for hunting scene, miniature, religious scenes and landscape paintings, has been a source of inspiration with its flawless, aesthetic, white and transparent appearance.
Porcelain, which is defined as a translucent, hard and at the same time fragile product with eye-catching aesthetics and beauty, has generally been used as a daily item and artistic object in world history. Porcelain has taken its place in art today, with the search for alternative materials by artists, and the use of porcelain surfaces has become increasingly popular in recent years.
From past to present, painting has been applied to the surfaces of different objects. Man has adorned and beautified everything around him with his aesthetic perception in his artistic process. First of all, he turned to the beauty of the crockery, which he feeds, which he really needs. Porcelain, which first comes to mind when it comes to plates, is an important element of the ceramic group, which is produced from natural raw materials and where the oldest products in history are made. It was first invented by the Chinese. It is a material that can be cooked in different ways and illustrated with different techniques. Looking at history, it is seen that porcelain surfaces with their aesthetic, white and transparent appearance form the basis for various types of painting.
The aim of this study is to reveal the reflection of the painting, which has been used as a means of expression by human beings from prehistoric times to the present, on porcelain surfaces. In the research, the use of porcelain surfaces in painting, their techniques, examples and applications in this field were discussed, Picasso and Kandinsky, who included porcelain in their works from history, were examined as exemplary artists, and contemporary ceramic artists such as Grayson Perry, Paul Scott, Ai Weiwei, Livia Marin, Betty Woodman and their works were also included. has been given.
The research, which was designed in the scanning model, is limited to four application studies. In the application study, the types of over-glaze hand decoration technique and various painting techniques took place on four glazed porcelain objects produced in the factory environment, without changing the form and function of the porcelain.
The increase in demands as a result of industrial development has brought different techniques in porcelain decorations. These techniques are applications made by using different methods under glaze and on glaze with the aim of adding aesthetic value and different expressions to porcelain products whose shaping process has been completed. Today, the painting techniques applied to porcelain surfaces add aesthetic value to the product, add new meanings and increase its commercial value.
Pictorial applications reflected on porcelain forms and surfaces have been made by many artists. Picasso gave new looks to ordinary objects of daily life by coloring plates, bowls, flower pots and jugs, which are indispensable elements of still life paintings, and transformed ordinary objects into works of art. The painting and design samples made by the artist for the purpose of decorating porcelain surfaces are in St. These are the decor designs made for the porcelain product groups produced by the St. Petersburg State Porcelain Factory.
In the application work carried out to show the reflection of the art of painting on porcelain surfaces, different painting techniques were used on the surface of the glazed porcelain produced in the factory environment, without changing its form and function. The transformation of porcelain into an alternative material for painting is emphasized. In this transformation, the over glaze hand decoration technique was applied to the porcelain surface with all its types, and the application stages were explained with photographs.
As a result, it is thought that the art of painting will provide artists with the opportunity to express their creativity through new materials and techniques, and will add new dimensions to the art world with the application studies on porcelain surfaces. In this study, which emphasizes the techniques of painting on the porcelain surface, the techniques related to the subject are explained and it is thought that it will be a resource for those who are looking for new ways of expression with different materials. The artist also transfers the spirit of art to production.
Geçmişten günümüze resim; mağaraların içinden dışına, insan vücudundan kıyafetlerine, kullanım eşyalarından süs eşyalarına, mobilyalara kadar tüm nesnelerin yüzeylerine uygulanmıştır. Sanattaki yenilik arayışları sanatçıları değişik yüzeylere resim yapmaya itmiştir. Bu yüzeylerden birisi olan porselen, farklı şekillerde pişirilip, değişik tekniklerle resimlenebilir özelliğe sahiptir. Tarihe bakıldığında bir tuval gibi düşünülerek av sahnesi, minyatür, dini sahneler ve manzara resimlerine zemin oluşturan porselen yüzey, kusursuz, estetik, beyaz ve şeffaf görünümü ile sanatçıya ilham kaynağı olmuştur.
Göz alıcı estetiğe ve güzelliğe sahip, yarı saydam, sert ve aynı zamanda kırılgan bir ürün olarak tanımlanan porselenin, dünya tarihine bakıldığında genellikle günlük eşya ve sanatsal obje olarak kullanıldığı görülür. Farklı üretim teknikleri ve farklı kullanım alanlarına sahip porselen, insana oldukça yakın, yaşayan bir malzemedir. Porselen, günümüzde ise sanatçıların alternatif materyal arayışı ile sanatta da yerini almış, son yıllarda porselen yüzeylerin kullanımı giderek popülerlik kazanmıştır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, insanoğlunun tarih öncesinden günümüze kadar bir ifade aracı olarak kullandığı resmin, porselen yüzeylerdeki yansımasının araştırılması ve uygulama örnekleri ile gösterilmesidir. Araştırmada resim sanatının seramik sanatı ile olan etkileşimi, resim sanatında porselen yüzeylerin kullanımı, teknikleri, bu alandaki örnekler ve uygulamalar ele alınmıştır. Tarihten çalışmalarına porseleni dahil eden Picasso ve Kandinsky örnek sanatçı olarak incelenmiş, ayrıca resimsel anlatımı çağdaş seramik sanatında yeni arayışlarla dile getiren günümüz sanatçılarından Grayson Perry, Paul Scott, Ai Weiwei, Livia Marin, Betty Woodman ve eserlerine de yer verilmiştir.
Tarama modelinde desenlenen araştırma, dört adet uygulama çalışması ile sınırlıdır. Uygulama çalışmasında, fabrika ortamında üretilen dört adet sırlı porselen obje üzerine, porselenin form ve işlevini değiştirmeden, yüzeyine sır üstü el dekoru tekniğinin türleri ve çeşitli resimleme teknikleri kullanılarak yapılan çalışmalar yer almaktadır.
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