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Opalizmin Resim Sanatına Estetik Zenginlikleri ile Katkısı

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches March 2024 Spring Term Pages: [79-102]
Yüksek Lisans. ALİOĞLU Hamid Maharramov


This study was conducted using qualitative research methods, specifically observation, interview, documentation and discourse analysis. The research design was chosen among qualitative research approaches such as Ethnomethodology, Epistemology, and Phenomenology. Qualitative research aims to understand social phenomena by examining individuals' subjective experiences and meanings in their natural environments. Observation was used as a method to understand the context and dynamics of a particular phenomenon of the research by directly observing it. Interviews involved the process of gathering information from individuals by asking them for information and personal perspectives through structured or semi-structured conversations. Document analysis is used to obtain additional information and understand the broader context by examining written or visual materials, documents, photographs or videos. This methodology emphasizes the effort to understand and interpret the complexity and diversity of social phenomena by focusing on the experiences of individuals. The data obtained through observation, interview and document analysis form the basis of the research and provide an in-depth understanding in accordance with the determined qualitative research approach. The three main categories determined under the title of Document Analysis, "Approach", "Sampling Technique" and "Analysis Technique", As in the analysis method, the analysis was carried out by quoting information only around the determined headings, without using codes or themes. Choosing this direct quotation approach indicates its potential to contribute to the objectivity and reliability of the study. In addition, the direct use of quotes without intervention has been accepted as a precaution to minimize the risk of inconsistency in the content of the quote. Content analysis performed on the defined topic stands out as a method used to define the meanings of expressions based on certain categories. Direct quotations and reasoning and evaluation based on these quotations constitute the data analysis logic of the study. This approach aims to provide a clear and solid analysis of the subject through the information obtained through quotations around the determined topics. This choice of methodology aims to both preserve the integrity of the analysis and increase the reliability of the data used in the analysis. This document analysis, using direct quotations throughout the text, emphasizes that the study is built on a solid foundation and aims to provide an in-depth evaluation within the framework of the determined topics. This study includes the analysis and evaluation of Sakit Mammadov's works, along with the definition of the Opalism school of art, the use of teaching materials and techniques. The literature review aims to clarify the term Opalism by investigating its origin and principles. Sakit Mammadov's creativity has been widely studied and his works have been subjected to a detailed analysis and interpretation process. The article provides a detailed analysis of the artistic practice of the Opalism school inspired by the opal stone. The unique artistic synthesis created by Sakit Mammadov by combining the colors of the opal stone was examined using teaching materials and techniques. In addition, data obtained from website scans and books and research articles published about Sakit Mammadov in the last 10 years were used as the basic data of the study. This comprehensive article offers a comprehensive review to understand the basic elements of the Opalism art movement and to reveal the value that Sakit Mammadov added to this movement. The literature review and work analysis reveal that Opalism is an original and impressive art school and present important developments in this field to art lovers. This qualitative research was conducted with a deliberately selected sample, using data obtained from a website, including 3 books, 3 catalogs and 1 article published between 2001-2020. This sampling aims to gain an in-depth understanding of human experiences and perspectives on Opalism. The research aims to gain a rich and nuanced understanding of the subject of Opalism by examining the sources within the selected sample, using qualitative research methods. Data obtained through books, catalogues, articles and the website comprehensively address the research topic, capturing human experiences and perspectives regarding Opalism. This research aims to provide a broad perspective on the subject by systematically examining publications on Opalism with the determined sample. In this context, qualitative research methods make a significant contribution to a comprehensive understanding of the subject of Opalism through in-depth data collection and analysis processes. Opalism, an art movement inspired by the natural beauty of the opal stone by artist Sakit Mammadov, has been examined in detail in research. Mammadov creates a unique synthesis of art by combining the colors of opal stone with the intricacies of miniature paintings. Opal stones appear in Mammadov's works not only as gemstones, but also in lightly painted forms on clothing, headdresses, and jewelry. It is observed that in the artist's works, the opal stone gains a new form not only due to its natural beauty, but also by combining it with the detailed craftsmanship of miniature art. The historical and natural importance of the opal stone is presented with aesthetic finesse in Mammadov's works and is integrated with the sensitivity shown in the details of miniature art. Opalism style is a unique synthesis created by the artist by combining opal stone and miniature art. The colors of the opal stone, combined with the detail of miniature art, have found a unique expression in the artist's works. In this way, Sakit Mammadov's Opalism style successfully combines the natural beauty of the opal stone with the intricacies of miniature art.


Opalizm, ünlü Azerbaycanlı ressam Sakit Mammadov'un yarattığı eşsiz bir sanat ekolüdür. Bu yazıda, opalizmin sanat dünyasına etkileri incelenecektir. Mammadov'un opalist resimlerinde kullandığı sanatsal vizyonu ve teknikleri anlatılacaktır. Opalizm, sanatçının kendisi tarafından icat edildiği gibi, görsel olarak çarpıcı ve duygusal olarak çağrıştırıcı sanat eserleri yaratmak için canlı ve zıt renklerin kullanılmasını ifade eder. Mammadov'un figüratif tablolarındaki opalist yaklaşım genellikle sıcak ve serin tonların uyumlu bir karışımını içeriyor ve izleyiciler için büyüleyici bir görsel deneyim yaratıyor. Mammadov, bu ayırt edici tarza hakimiyeti sayesinde uluslararası tanınırlık kazanmış ve sanat dünyasında öne çıkan bir figür haline gelmiştir. Çalışma, genellikle gözlemleme, görüşme, belgeleme ve söylem analizi olmak üzere nitel araştırma yoluyla yürütülmüştür. Nitel araştırmalar, bireylerin öznel deneyimlerini, bakış açılarını ve anlamlarını doğal ortamlarında inceleyerek sosyal olguları anlamayı ve yorumlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma gözlemler, davranışların, etkileşimlerin ve olayların doğrudan gözlemlenmesini içerir ve araştırmanın belirli bir olgusunun bağlamını ve dinamikleri hakkında fikir edinmelerini sağlamıştır. Görüşmeler, yapılandırılmış veya yarı yapılandırılmış konuşmalar yoluyla bireyden bilgi ve kişisel bakış açılarını sorgulayarak bilgiler edinmiştir. Belge analizi, ek bilgiler edinmek ve daha geniş bağlamı anlamak için belgeler, fotoğraflar veya videolar gibi çeşitli yazılı veya görsel materyaller incelemeye alınarak araştırılmıştır. Sakit Mammadov'un yaratıcılığı geniş çapta incelenmiş, eserleri analiz edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Bu makalede opalizm teriminin kökenini ve ilkelerini araştırmakta olup açıklığa kavuşturmaktadır. Veri olarak web sitesi üzerinden yapılan taramalardan başlığında Sakit Mammadov ile ilgili son 10 yılda yayınlanan kitaplar ve araştırma makalesi olarak nitelendirilen çalışmalar da veri olarak kullanılmıştır. Örneklem, bu araştırma kasti teknikle seçilen 2001-2020 dönemine kadar yayınlanan 3 kitap, 3 katalog ve 1 makaleden 1 web sitesinden oluşmaktadır. Bu nitel araştırma yöntemlerini kullanarak, Opalizm ile ilgili insan deneyimlerinin ve bakış açılarının yakalayarak, araştırma konusunun zengin ve nüanslı bir şekilde anlaşılmasını sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.

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Submitted at: 2024-03-19 15:44:46
Accepted at: 2024-03-19 15:47:16
To Journal: March 2024 Spring Term

Author Details:
ALİOĞLU,Hamid Maharramov ORCID:0009-0005-3332-6431 Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Ana Sanat Dalı Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi

To Reference: Hamid Maharramov, ALİOĞLU (2024), Opalizmin Resim Sanatına Estetik Zenginlikleri ile Katkısı. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Mart 2024, Issue:1, Volume:9, Pages:79-102

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